Introducing Write-On 3.0
Write-On has been specifically developed to collect, manage, search, and compare large quantities of typed and handwritten documents. Forensic document examiners use it to review, dissect, compare, assess natural variations in handwriting, and report findings.
Write-On has been successfully used to demonstrate forensic findings at trials, tribunals, hearings, and regulatory bodies in many different countries.

Collect and Manage
Collect, manage, retrieve, and export thousands of scanned documents of all sizes, colors, formats, and writing systems. Documents may be classified in multiple ways using writers, types, and features. They may be resized, printed, and exported as single or multiple image files.

Search and Compare
After entering or importing a transcript containing the content of a document, Write-On automatically compiles statistics on the frequency of words, short segments, and individual characters. Write-On produces index tables that can be filtered, re-ordered, printed, and exported to Excel. Documents may also be searched using various wildcard combinations. Search results may be filtered based on writers, features, and character type.

Conclude and Report
Search results are displayed side by side to facilitate visual comparison and technical analysis. Occurrences and statistics can be printed or exported as single units or as groups. Occurrences may be dragged and dropped into Write-On’s unique reporting feature.
Write-On’s reporting feature allows you to drop occurrences of interest into various templates for insertion into final reports or court charts.